2016 Season Bests

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2 Miles show... | Show only


1.11Luke Ramirez10:08.0Sep 10South Medford 2-Mile T...
2.9Joby Evanow10:14.0PRSep 10South Medford 2-Mile T...
3.12Joel Centeno10:16.0PRSep 10South Medford 2-Mile T...
4.11Ty Boster10:20.0PRSep 10South Medford 2-Mile T...
5.9Truett Bostwick10:21.0Sep 10South Medford 2-Mile T...
6.12Luke Parks10:25.0PRSep 10South Medford 2-Mile T...
7.10Alex Villa10:56.0Sep 10South Medford 2-Mile T...
8.10Johan Jordaan11:04.0Sep 10South Medford 2-Mile T...
9.9Ethan Foster11:29.0Sep 10South Medford 2-Mile T...
10.12Lance Neville11:35.0Sep 10South Medford 2-Mile T...
11.12Enoch Cunningham11:39.0Sep 10South Medford 2-Mile T...
12.12Justin Tiger11:46.0PRSep 10South Medford 2-Mile T...
10Brinson Scott11:46.0Sep 10South Medford 2-Mile T...
14.11Coi Holloway11:47.0Sep 10South Medford 2-Mile T...
15.12Ethan McPherson11:55.0Sep 10South Medford 2-Mile T...
16.10Josue Centeno12:00.0Sep 10South Medford 2-Mile T...
17.9Bryce Kondziela12:07.0Sep 10South Medford 2-Mile T...
18.10Campbell Bastian12:08.0Sep 10South Medford 2-Mile T...
19.11Christopher Bock12:14.0PRSep 10South Medford 2-Mile T...
20.9Andrew Davis12:21.0Sep 10South Medford 2-Mile T...
21.9Sam Marshall12:33.0PRSep 10South Medford 2-Mile T...
22.12James McAdam12:48.0Sep 10South Medford 2-Mile T...
23.11Dean Jackman12:51.0Sep 10South Medford 2-Mile T...
24.12Patrick Royal13:28.0PRSep 10South Medford 2-Mile T...
25.9Jaxon Wallace13:36.0Sep 10South Medford 2-Mile T...
26.10Daniel Schlosser13:49.0PRSep 10South Medford 2-Mile T...
9Andrew Fairbanks13:49.0PRSep 10South Medford 2-Mile T...
28.9Diego Becerra13:51.0Sep 10South Medford 2-Mile T...
29.11Gabe Ilten14:09.0PRSep 10South Medford 2-Mile T...
30.11Ethan Neville14:14.0PRSep 10South Medford 2-Mile T...
31.11Jacob Ilten15:04.0Sep 10South Medford 2-Mile T...
32.9Ryan Crick15:16.0Sep 10South Medford 2-Mile T...
33.9Alai Manazano15:17.0PRSep 10South Medford 2-Mile T...
34.10Diego Centeno15:45.0PRSep 10South Medford 2-Mile T...
35.11Carson Bennett16:10.0Sep 10South Medford 2-Mile T...
36.10Grant McConnell16:58.0PRSep 10South Medford 2-Mile T...
37.9Clay Bennett18:02.0PRSep 10South Medford 2-Mile T...

5,000 Meters show... | Show only


1.11Ty Boster16:33.5Oct 12Max King Invitational
2.9Truett Bostwick16:44.7Oct 12Max King Invitational
3.12Luke Parks16:45.4PRSep 24Nike Portland XC
4.11Luke Ramirez16:49.1Oct 12Max King Invitational
5.12Joel Centeno16:51.9Sep 24Nike Portland XC
6.9Joby Evanow17:04.0PRSep 17Northwest Classic
7.10Johan Jordaan17:15.6Oct 12Max King Invitational
8.9Andrew Davis17:39.7Oct 19Country Fair Classic
9.10Alex Villa17:44.6Oct 1State of Jefferson XC ...
10.11Coi Holloway17:54.5Oct 276A-6 Southwest Confere...
11.12Enoch Cunningham18:02.4Oct 19Country Fair Classic
12.10Caden Munroe18:02.9Oct 12Max King Invitational
13.9Ethan Foster18:16.3Oct 12Max King Invitational
14.12Lance Neville18:17.2Oct 19Country Fair Classic
15.12Ethan McPherson18:18.3Oct 19Country Fair Classic
16.10Brinson Scott18:19.5Oct 12Max King Invitational
17.9Sam Marshall18:44.9Oct 19Country Fair Classic
18.10Josue Centeno18:46.9Oct 12Max King Invitational
19.10Campbell Bastian19:09.1Oct 12Max King Invitational
20.9Bryce Kondziela19:16.8Oct 12Max King Invitational
21.12Justin Tiger19:25.1Oct 19Country Fair Classic
22.11Christopher Bock19:34.4Oct 12Max King Invitational
23.11Dean Jackman19:46.5Oct 12Max King Invitational
24.12James McAdam19:57.1Oct 276A-6 Southwest Confere...
25.10Daniel Schlosser20:06.5PROct 12Max King Invitational
26.12Patrick Royal20:10.0PROct 276A-6 Southwest Confere...
27.9Jaeden Baker20:15.2PROct 19Country Fair Classic
28.12Gabe Brkich20:44.6Oct 12Max King Invitational
29.9Jaxon Wallace20:52.1Oct 276A-6 Southwest Confere...
30.9Diego Becerra20:52.6Oct 276A-6 Southwest Confere...
31.11Ethan Neville21:51.3Oct 12Max King Invitational
32.9Alai Manazano22:00.7Oct 276A-6 Southwest Confere...
33.9Andrew Fairbanks22:21.4Oct 12Max King Invitational
34.11Gabe Ilten22:35.4Oct 12Max King Invitational
35.9Ryan Crick22:56.0Sep 24Nike Portland XC
36.11Carson Bennett22:57.3Oct 12Max King Invitational
37.9Eric Stockton23:32.7PRSep 17Northwest Classic
38.12Jacob Stapp23:50.2Oct 19Country Fair Classic
39.11Jacob Ilten24:23.0Oct 276A-6 Southwest Confere...
40.10Grant McConnell25:21.1PROct 1State of Jefferson XC ...
41.10Diego Centeno26:07.9PRSep 17Northwest Classic
42.9Clay Bennett29:09.5PROct 1State of Jefferson XC ...