2010 Season Bests

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3 Miles show... | Show only


1.12Salvador Valencia16:18.6PRSep 29Umpqua Invite
2.9Kenny Freeman16:26.6PRSep 29Umpqua Invite
3.11John Talik16:34.2Sep 29Umpqua Invite
4.12Chayse Jackson16:47.0PRSep 29Umpqua Invite
5.12Drew Van Anrooy16:50.7Sep 29Umpqua Invite
6.11Jose Flores16:51.1PRSep 29Umpqua Invite
7.9Ben Rodriguez16:51.5Sep 29Umpqua Invite
8.10Andrew Stone17:07.0PRSep 29Umpqua Invite
9.11Aaron Valdivia17:21.8PRSep 29Umpqua Invite
10.12Jason Duval17:23.6PRSep 29Umpqua Invite
11.12Stephen Cruz17:27.1PRSep 29Umpqua Invite
12.10Reed Van Anrooy17:28.2PRSep 29Umpqua Invite
13.11Tyler Becherer18:12.2PRSep 29Umpqua Invite
14.10Dylan Woodward18:15.4Sep 29Umpqua Invite
15.11Drew Coughlin18:17.6PRSep 29Umpqua Invite
16.12Codey Fields18:25.8PRSep 29Umpqua Invite
17.11Tyler Roberts18:26.1Sep 29Umpqua Invite
18.9Alec Johnson18:40.0PRSep 29Umpqua Invite
19.10Jason Thomas18:49.5PRSep 29Umpqua Invite
20.9Ian James18:52.0PRSep 29Umpqua Invite
21.12Riley Rice19:28.5PRSep 29Umpqua Invite
22.11Mathew Johansen19:31.6PRSep 29Umpqua Invite
23.11Aaron Costner19:50.3PRSep 29Umpqua Invite
24.11Jacob Gorenflos20:02.0PRSep 29Umpqua Invite
25.12Andy Girod20:05.7Sep 29Umpqua Invite
26.9Graydon Reed20:07.2PRSep 29Umpqua Invite
27.9Rylan Burum20:21.4PRSep 29Umpqua Invite
28.9Michael- Andrew Newey21:18.6PRSep 29Umpqua Invite
29.10Kevin Talik21:25.7PRSep 29Umpqua Invite
30.9Erick Wonderly21:36.4PRSep 29Umpqua Invite
31.9CJ Ball21:49.6PRSep 29Umpqua Invite
32.12Mike Hector21:56.7Sep 29Umpqua Invite
33.11Kyle Adams22:15.4Sep 29Umpqua Invite
34.9Natty Burmeister22:54.8PRSep 29Umpqua Invite
35.9Alan Wood23:14.1PRSep 29Umpqua Invite
36.11Donald Johnston25:34.3Sep 11Trask Mountain Assault...


1.9Fiona Johnson20:08.3PRSep 29Umpqua Invite
2.10Jessica Nelson21:23.7PRSep 29Umpqua Invite
3.10Hayley Girod21:39.3Sep 29Umpqua Invite
4.9Rose Oakley21:56.5PRSep 29Umpqua Invite
5.10Megan Larkin22:14.6PRSep 29Umpqua Invite
6.9Anna Swanson22:36.6PRSep 29Umpqua Invite
7.10Natalie Stenbeck22:37.0Sep 29Umpqua Invite
8.10T'Leah Staggs22:56.1PRSep 29Umpqua Invite
9.11Ashley Dombrowski23:22.1Sep 29Umpqua Invite
10.11Jenna Sandling24:08.3PRSep 29Umpqua Invite
11.10Harlie Johnson24:23.0PRSep 29Umpqua Invite
12.10Alexandra Malone25:52.5PRSep 29Umpqua Invite
13.12Marissa Kagele25:54.0Sep 29Umpqua Invite
14.9Brittnee Stevens26:06.7PRSep 29Umpqua Invite
15.10Lauren Baque26:27.1PRSep 29Umpqua Invite
16.10Emily Harker26:38.9PRSep 29Umpqua Invite
17.10Tristan Dahl27:10.2Sep 29Umpqua Invite
18.12Michaela Bailey27:32.2Sep 29Umpqua Invite
19.10Sydney Reynolds28:03.8PRSep 29Umpqua Invite
20.11Maggie Potter28:04.3PRSep 29Umpqua Invite
21.9Emma Thompson28:05.0PRSep 29Umpqua Invite
22.12Maria Bonner28:56.9PRSep 29Umpqua Invite
23.11Taylor Cuilty30:24.1Sep 11Trask Mountain Assault...
24.10Julia Ma30:26.5Sep 11Trask Mountain Assault...
25.9Hannah Roberts30:43.6Sep 11Trask Mountain Assault...
26.10Zoe Buehner31:11.1Sep 29Umpqua Invite
27.11Alexandrea Standridge31:21.3Sep 11Trask Mountain Assault...
28.10Jaclyn Humphry31:21.7Sep 11Trask Mountain Assault...
29.12Jenni Lara-Sullivan31:55.2PRSep 29Umpqua Invite
30.11Megan Sutton33:34.3PRSep 11Trask Mountain Assault...
31.12Mary Moll34:18.9PRSep 29Umpqua Invite
32.9Emily Farmer37:13.5PRSep 11Trask Mountain Assault...
33.12Serena Board39:56.5Sep 11Trask Mountain Assault...

5,000 Meters show... | Show only


1.9Kenny Freeman16:21.0Oct 20Country Fair Classic
2.12Stephen Cruz16:33.0PROct 20Country Fair Classic
3.12Salvador Valencia16:39.0Oct 20Country Fair Classic
4.11John Talik16:51.0Oct 20Country Fair Classic
5.9Ben Rodriguez16:55.0Oct 20Country Fair Classic
6.12Chayse Jackson17:13.0Oct 20Country Fair Classic
7.10Reed Van Anrooy17:19.0Oct 20Country Fair Classic
8.10Dylan Woodward17:28.0PROct 20Country Fair Classic
9.11Aaron Valdivia17:29.0PROct 20Country Fair Classic
10.11Jose Flores17:35.0PROct 20Country Fair Classic
11.12Drew Van Anrooy17:38.9Oct 16State of Jefferson Inv...
12.10Andrew Stone17:53.0PROct 20Country Fair Classic
13.12Jason Duval17:58.9PROct 16State of Jefferson Inv...
14.9Alec Johnson18:04.0PROct 20Country Fair Classic
15.11Tyler Roberts18:44.0Oct 20Country Fair Classic
16.11Tyler Becherer18:52.0Oct 20Country Fair Classic
17.11Drew Coughlin18:55.8Oct 16State of Jefferson Inv...
18.9Ian James18:59.0Oct 20Country Fair Classic
19.12Codey Fields19:03.0PROct 20Country Fair Classic
20.10Jason Thomas19:04.0Oct 20Country Fair Classic
21.12Riley Rice19:38.0PROct 20Country Fair Classic
9Graydon Reed19:38.0PROct 20Country Fair Classic
23.9CJ Ball19:39.0Oct 20Country Fair Classic
24.11Mathew Johansen19:41.0Oct 20Country Fair Classic
25.11Donald Johnston20:24.4Sep 25Nike Pre-Nationals
26.12Andy Girod20:31.0Oct 20Country Fair Classic
27.11Aaron Costner20:52.0Oct 20Country Fair Classic
28.11Jacob Gorenflos20:56.0PROct 20Country Fair Classic
29.9Michael- Andrew Newey20:59.0PROct 20Country Fair Classic
30.10Kevin Talik21:30.4Oct 16State of Jefferson Inv...
31.9Rylan Burum21:35.0Oct 20Country Fair Classic
32.9Erick Wonderly21:37.0Oct 2Brooks Harrier Classic
33.9Natty Burmeister21:49.0PROct 20Country Fair Classic
34.9Alan Wood22:53.0PROct 20Country Fair Classic
35.12Mike Hector22:57.4Oct 16State of Jefferson Inv...
36.11Kyle Adams22:59.0Oct 20Country Fair Classic


1.10Hayley Girod20:48.0Oct 20Country Fair Classic
2.11Allison Churchill21:23.0PROct 20Country Fair Classic
3.9Fiona Johnson21:51.0Oct 20Country Fair Classic
4.9Rose Oakley21:56.0PROct 2Brooks Harrier Classic
5.10Jessica Nelson22:40.0Oct 2Brooks Harrier Classic
6.10Megan Larkin22:49.0Oct 20Country Fair Classic
7.10Natalie Stenbeck23:08.0Oct 20Country Fair Classic
8.10Jaclyn Humphry23:20.0Oct 2Brooks Harrier Classic
9.10Julia Ma23:21.5Sep 25Nike Pre-Nationals
10.9Hannah Roberts23:29.1Oct 16State of Jefferson Inv...
11.10T'Leah Staggs23:40.0PROct 20Country Fair Classic
12.11Taylor Cuilty24:36.0PROct 2Brooks Harrier Classic
13.9Anna Swanson24:47.2Sep 25Nike Pre-Nationals
14.11Jenna Sandling24:58.0PROct 2Brooks Harrier Classic
15.10Harlie Johnson25:07.0Oct 20Country Fair Classic
16.11Alexandrea Standridge25:15.7Sep 25Nike Pre-Nationals
17.9Brittnee Stevens25:41.1PROct 16State of Jefferson Inv...
18.12Marissa Kagele26:25.0Oct 2Brooks Harrier Classic
19.10Alexandra Malone26:59.0Oct 20Country Fair Classic
20.10Tristan Dahl27:00.0Oct 2Brooks Harrier Classic
11Ashley Dombrowski27:00.0Oct 20Country Fair Classic
22.11Maggie Potter27:04.0PROct 2Brooks Harrier Classic
23.10Sydney Reynolds27:23.0PROct 2Brooks Harrier Classic
24.10Lauren Baque27:25.0PROct 16State of Jefferson Inv...
25.10Emily Harker27:33.0Oct 2Brooks Harrier Classic
26.12Michaela Bailey28:04.0Oct 2Brooks Harrier Classic
27.9Emma Thompson28:10.0PROct 30Midwestern/Southern Or...
28.9Emily Farmer28:43.0Oct 20Country Fair Classic
29.12Maria Bonner29:23.0PROct 2Brooks Harrier Classic
30.12Serena Board31:32.0Sep 15Midwestern/Southern Or...
31.12Jenni Lara-Sullivan32:45.0PROct 2Brooks Harrier Classic
32.12Mary Moll32:52.0PROct 2Brooks Harrier Classic

10,000 Meters show... | Show only


1.12Salvador Valencia35:52.0PRSep 18Prefontaine Memorial R...
2.11John Talik37:05.0PRSep 18Prefontaine Memorial R...
3.9Kenny Freeman37:09.0PRSep 18Prefontaine Memorial R...
4.11Jose Flores37:15.0PRSep 18Prefontaine Memorial R...
5.12Chayse Jackson37:42.0PRSep 18Prefontaine Memorial R...
6.12Jason Duval38:11.0PRSep 18Prefontaine Memorial R...
7.12Drew Van Anrooy38:13.0Sep 18Prefontaine Memorial R...
8.9Ben Rodriguez38:23.0PRSep 18Prefontaine Memorial R...
9.10Andrew Stone38:39.0PRSep 18Prefontaine Memorial R...
10.9Alec Johnson39:44.0PRSep 18Prefontaine Memorial R...
11.10Reed Van Anrooy40:33.0Sep 18Prefontaine Memorial R...
12.9Ian James40:49.0PRSep 18Prefontaine Memorial R...
13.10Jason Thomas41:37.0PRSep 18Prefontaine Memorial R...
14.11Tyler Becherer42:21.0PRSep 18Prefontaine Memorial R...
15.11Drew Coughlin42:34.0PRSep 18Prefontaine Memorial R...
16.11Tyler Roberts42:47.0Sep 18Prefontaine Memorial R...
17.11Aaron Valdivia42:54.0PRSep 18Prefontaine Memorial R...
18.12Riley Rice43:51.0PRSep 18Prefontaine Memorial R...
19.11Jacob Gorenflos44:59.0PRSep 18Prefontaine Memorial R...
20.12Cody Fields45:13.0PRSep 18Prefontaine Memorial R...
21.12Andy Girod45:16.0Sep 18Prefontaine Memorial R...
22.11Mathew Johansen45:37.0Sep 18Prefontaine Memorial R...
23.9CJ Ball46:24.0PRSep 18Prefontaine Memorial R...
11Donald Johnston46:24.0Sep 18Prefontaine Memorial R...
25.10Dylan Woodward46:54.0PRSep 18Prefontaine Memorial R...
26.11Aaron Costner47:12.0Sep 18Prefontaine Memorial R...
27.9Rylan Burum47:13.0PRSep 18Prefontaine Memorial R...
28.9Graydon Reed47:23.0PRSep 18Prefontaine Memorial R...
29.12Mike Hector49:42.0Sep 18Prefontaine Memorial R...
30.11Kyle Adams52:44.0Sep 18Prefontaine Memorial R...
31.10Kevin Talik54:08.0PRSep 18Prefontaine Memorial R...
32.9Natty Burmeister55:02.0PRSep 18Prefontaine Memorial R...